Guest Book
The GUEST BOOK......
It's for you, family and friends.  We would love to hear from you and have some dialogue.  Let us know who you are and introduce yourself to the family if we have or have not seen or heard from you.

We Welcome You!  Sign our famly guest book once, twice or as much as you like and let us know you visited us on the website.  We'd love to read it!
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Posted on the 2023-05-29 at 20:00
Hello Family
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2022-09-09 at 20:00
Good morning FAMILY  !!! love aunt vivian stewart and family Lavalle stewart
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2021-07-23 at 20:00
Keep in touch!!  I hope every family is doing well and staying safe!!!!!  Family is important to Me!!! Love you ALL    Vivian Stewart  02/20/2021   
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2020-06-14 at 20:00
Congrats to Tiffany Class of 2020 Love you from Lavalle and Vivian Stewart
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2020-06-14 at 20:00
I am sending a friendly message that I hope my grandchildren meet their cousins!!!! I hope our family visit the website more!!!!  keep in touch Everyone!!!! Family is forever!!!! love  uncle LaValle and aunt vivian June 14,2020 Sunday  WE are  FAMILY    
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2019-03-01 at 19:00
I am so happy to be part of a Blessed FAMILY! I have a nice husband, Lavalle Stewart for 30 Years!!! Thank you, LORD! %u200BVivian Stewart 03/01/2019
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2018-05-12 at 20:00
Happy Mother's day to all the moms in the family!!
Jeannie Ruffin
Posted on the 2013-02-10 at 19:00
Praise The Lord, first of all, I want to give God the praise, for this beautiful family.  I've had the delightful pleasure of meeting some, but not all of the Moore family.  This family history book is outstanding & well put together.
If you all are as precious as Elder Charles & Sis. Deborah Moore, & their children, then this is truly a family from God.  It's a blessing to be apart of them.
God Bless You All
Evangelist Jeannie Ruffin
Shirley A. Ellis
Posted on the 2011-10-16 at 20:00

It was nice to view the pictures of the newlyweds.  Thanks for allowing us to share their special days.

Aunt Shirley
aunt marge
Posted on the 2011-10-15 at 20:00
CONGRATS!!To all of our new family members, welcome to our family\'s circle of love.
Juanita, you are doing a good job with keeping us all informed via our website.
Luv ya

Bernardette Johnson- Copeland
Posted on the 2011-07-25 at 20:00

Hello Moore Family.  I am the granddaughter of the late Minnie Greene and Saul Greene Sr.  My mother is Lucille and was the sister of Charles Moore.  I was glad to have received a call from Francina today. It has been a long time since we have had any contact with our cousins.  Looking forward to seeing and getting acquainted again.  God bless.

Charles E. Starling
Posted on the 2011-06-26 at 20:00
Hello Moore family, I was so hurt to hear about Tony and I did not know about the services until it was too late. I know that it lay heavily on the minds of those who informed me, but my prayers always include the Moores. Because I have never know what life was like without this side of the family, I have always known you all as family, because you are family. I have eaten at your tables, slept in your beds and sung at some of your weddings. I love all of you, whom I call uncles, aunts and cousins. The preface, "steps", never applied because I never heard either was or was not. So as I have always known you thus, I hope beyond hope that you all have felt the same. I trust you will invite me to the next get together or I will be very hurt. I mean it. I am family, after all. Til the next time we see each other, live, love and serve. Love to all. Great job on this website, by the way.    Charles
Jack Foster
Posted on the 2011-04-15 at 20:00
I live in the Mpls area and I am a friend and fellow brother in Christ of one of your patriarchs, Bro. Charles Moore.  He and I have recently renewed our relationship and are continuing to grow in Christ together having many things in common (in our retirement) especially marriage & family.  Your website is colorful, eye catching and easy to navagate. I also really enjoyed your musical selections. I pray that your reunion will be rewarding, refreshing and draws you even closer in your relationships.  I also pray traveling mercies for all.  God bless.
Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2011-01-16 at 19:00
Denise Moore this website is awsome! And We as a family are blessed and highly favored!!!!

I would love for our family\'s children to get to see and know each other as much as possible. This means the -adult/ Father/dad and Mother/mom would have to make the move to bring their children to the family Reunion!!!

Love uncle LaValle and aunt Vivian Stewart
vivian stewart
Posted on the 2010-11-14 at 19:00
I Love my family! We are blessed!

When I think about the relationship we have even if we do not see each other that much, we still come together with love and have so much fun just talking and eating healthier!!!

 Love  from Uncle LaValle & Aunt Vivian Stewart
Calvin E. Moore
Posted on the 2009-04-27 at 20:00
Great job Now I can see my Family when I  want too. Now how you like that'      
Ollie Davis, Jr. (Sonny)
Posted on the 2009-03-10 at 20:00
Greetings!     This website is awsome.   I am just happy to be a part of the family.    Sonny                                                    
aunt marge
Posted on the 2009-01-29 at 19:00
Denise, the tribute page looks good!
Redella Burnett-Moore
Posted on the 2008-11-07 at 19:00
I enjoyed  looking through the family website. I'ts great to see a family put something together to stay to stay connected. And, so that the ones comiong along will see, and understand what a great family God has Blessed an kept together.
Lavalle and Vivian Stewart
Posted on the 2008-09-23 at 20:00

"Great job to the administrator I love this MOORE FAMILY Web-site"      I am looking forward to my grandchildren meeting their cousins and aunts and uncles.        We as a Family are Bless!

Bennie Bradford
Posted on the 2008-09-11 at 20:00
Hey Moore's,

 I'm glad to hear that you had a successful family reunion, I got a chance to talk to Calvin.  I ran into him one day when we were both coming home on the red line.  I'm on facebook so post some your pictures.  Take care everyone and GOD bless you all.
Aunt Shirley
Posted on the 2008-09-02 at 20:00
Glen,  I am so glad to here from you.  We miss you and your family.  Please share some pictures of you and your family with us.  The Lord has blessed us, 11 Moore Children, and we would love for our children children to get to know/and see each other.  Looking forward to hearing from you, Tabitha, and girls.
Posted on the 2008-09-02 at 20:00
I"ve missed you too!  Please try to come to the family reunion next year!  I'm planning to be there myself. Hope to hear from you soon.

Katrina Little
Posted on the 2008-09-02 at 20:00
Hello everyone, I do not have much to say, but I hope everyone is doing well. I am sending a friendly message from Texas.  I think this site is very nice. Denise job well done. I hope everyone is doing well.

glen moyer
Posted on the 2008-08-31 at 20:00
i miss everyone. especially everyone that i grew up with David, Denise, Frank, Toya, Genita, The  Twins, Stephanie, Garrett, Maurice, Charles Jr. etc. I love and miss you all. To all my cousins and family in the DC area i love and miss you too. Sorry i've been somewhat antisocial. I have nothing but good memories of everyone in this family and i am proud to be a part of this family. Thanks to Denise for reaching out and finding me!
Winifred Williams
Posted on the 2008-08-27 at 20:00
I really have enjoyed viewing the family website. Denise great job! I am the  wife of Herbert Williams sitting at the table at the banquet with Mother Burree, Marcus and my hubby... I had a joyous time and looking forward to doing it again. 

I love the music as well...see you all soon! 


Donalda Williams Green AKA Dee
Posted on the 2008-08-15 at 20:00
Hello Family,
It's me Dee, Don & Dru's daughther. It was really good to see everyone at the family reunion in Columbia, SC... My husband Galen and son Galen enjoyed themselves as well...We plan to keep in touch and I really love the website.....Please stop by and check out my myspace page at:

Peace and Love,
Donalda Williams Green

Frank Moore
Posted on the 2008-08-12 at 20:00
This website was a really good idea....looking at a lot of those old pics brings back a lot of memories....i look forward to seeing everyone at the 2009 Reunion.
Sheila Cain
Posted on the 2008-08-10 at 20:00
This website is off the hook.  I looked at every page and really enjoyed it.  

I just attend the family reunion in Columbia, and came away really feeling good about seeing everyone.  Look forward to seeing you here in 2010.  

I am the one the the blace and white polka dot dress at the banquet.

I love my family


vivian stewart
Posted on the 2008-07-19 at 20:00

 I love the website! I hope to use it more.

Love from Lavalle and Vivian Stewart

Yes I am still working on my PHD>

Min J Kyles
Posted on the 2008-06-26 at 20:00
God Bless You Woman Of God,

Evang Denise,

This is Min J Kyles from Atlanta, Georgia. I was so elated to hear from you, and see that God is still elevating you to Higher Heights. There is nothing to hard for Him. You have been such a blessing to me during the time of my storms, and for this I am grateful. Today, I am overwhelmed of the goodness of Jesus, and ALL he has done for me, MY MY MY SOUL not CRIES, but IT YELLS HALLELUJAH, SO Glad that I am saved!!
Be Bless
Your Bro,
andre Upshire
Posted on the 2008-06-18 at 20:00
these photos bring back some memories, that one where we were all so young i dont even remember all those people
Tanika Poole
Posted on the 2008-06-09 at 20:00
It is so nice to be able to see all of the family I haven't been in touch with for years. We have all grown so much and since it has been so many years since we have had communication I had forgotten just about everyone. These pictures bring back great memories and help me remeber the family I love. Hopefully I will get to see everyone of you very soon.
Aunt Margaret
Posted on the 2008-04-24 at 20:00
Denise, keep up the good work!!! Thanks for all your help.
Shirley A. Ellis
Posted on the 2008-04-11 at 20:00
I am so excited about this website.   The opportunity to see and hear from family members have really made my heart glad.   Maurice and Pam thanks for sharing your family with us.   I'm looking forward to my grandchildren meeting  their cousins they have not met.
Aunt Shirley
Alfreda Moyer
Posted on the 2008-04-09 at 20:00

You did an excellent job on this website!  Your expertise is impressive!!
Maurice Moore
Posted on the 2008-04-07 at 20:00
I love this site!!!  I don't always have the opportunity to attend the family reunions, but now that my children are getting older, I have a way of teaching them about where we came from.
Shirley A. Ellis
Posted on the 2008-03-26 at 20:00
The website is great.   Keep the pictures coming.
Posted on the 2008-03-22 at 20:00

This is really nice :)

Deborah Moore
Posted on the 2008-03-09 at 20:00
Our family web-site is something to be very proud of - great job to the administrator.  It's also great that everyone is joining in and participating in contributing family pictures - good to see how the young ones are growing.
Kerri A. Kerr
Posted on the 2008-03-04 at 19:00

I understand that this is a work in progress,  but it is clear that you have already put a great deal of time and effort into this project.  Congrats on a job well done! 
Juanita Cooper
Posted on the 2008-03-02 at 19:00
We are truly Blessed and Highly favored!
jaynida ellis
Posted on the 2008-03-02 at 19:00

I really enjoyed the site! Hope to see everyone soon.

Mary A. Moore
Posted on the 2008-03-01 at 19:00

Good Job!

Aunt Margaret
Posted on the 2008-03-01 at 19:00
It is true that "cream always rise to the top!"
The "Moores" by the grace of God are the top of the line.The prayers of mama and daddy are still being answered in our lives.

Posted on the 2008-03-01 at 19:00
Look nices.........

Very well done.........

Francina Kerr
Posted on the 2008-02-29 at 19:00
Job well done!!
Stephanie Harper
Posted on the 2008-02-27 at 19:00
Cool Site !
Charles Moore Jr
Posted on the 2008-02-27 at 19:00
Everything Looks Great !!!!!!!
Dee Moore
Posted on the 2008-02-19 at 19:00
Looking forward to the upcoming reunion.