In Memoriam....

James McKay Ellis

Birth Date: 1947-09-13
Deceased Date: 2015-11-26
Life Reflections for Elder James M. Ellis


James Mckay Ellis, mighty man of God, loving, faithful husband, and compassionate father was born September 13, 1947 to parents Aaron and Lubertha (Kincaid) Ellis in Tampa, Florida. On November 26, 2015, Thanksgiving Day, the Lord stopped by and summoned him to come home to be with him. In a strong, courageous, and yet memorable manner, James acknowledged the Lord's beckoning and made his transition to glory.


As a young ambitious man from Tampa, Florida, James valued education. He graduated from Middleton High School and set forth on the dream to attend college. James knew that to accomplish his dream and feed his hunger for education, he would have to leave Tampa, Florida.

He was drafted in the U.S. Army and worked as a medic during the Vietnam War. Upon his discharge, he enrolled in Chicago Technical College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1973. Later in his career, he became an Automation

Readability Specialist for the U.S. Postal Service. While in this position, he taught and trained many members of the Postal Service. He was known to be a charismatic instructor, one that was clear and open for questions. Thus, he taught until everyone understood. He often traveled across

the United States to be educated on the latest techniques and to sharpen his skills. He retired with 38 years of service. His love for education and ambition for life would transcend his earthly endeavors and transfer to a love for God.


During a summer revival in 1963, at the age of 15, James received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the First Born Church of the Living God in Tampa, Florida. He received the call to teach God's Word at the age of 16. While resting in bed, he had a vision of God calling him, "Teach my people,

teach my people." James heeded the call of the Lord as he prayed for God's strength.


Under the leadership of the late Bishop Alonzo Moyer of Apostolic Little Rock Church, James became a licensed minister in the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Organization. He was called upon to hold several local and statewide positions. In 1992, James was called upon by the State Bishop to serve as Interim Pastor of Greater Grace Refuge Church. Later he was appointed to the office of State Administrative Assistant to Bishop David Maxwell. During that same year, he also held the position of State Minister to the Youth and Sunday School Department.


He served faithfully in the ministry of the Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ for over 33 years. In January 1999, he joined Prayer & Faith Outreach Ministries, under the leadership of Bishop William Hudson III. Due to Minister Ellis's willingness to humble himself to the leadership of

Bishop Hudson, he was ordained as an Elder. Elder Ellis was also

appointed over various ministries within the church.


His love for the Word of God was shared pedantically to his listeners. James sacrificed both his time and finances to support the growth of the ministry. His motivation was his love for God and the people of God.
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Eric Wayne Fluker

Birth Date: 1978-12-10
Deceased Date: 2022-05-16
Eric Wayne Fluker

Eric Wayne Fluker, my only child, enter this earthly realm as a highly loved child on December 10, 1978.

Eric grew up attending The Holy Temple Church of Christ and Central Baptist Church in Washington DC until he left for college. While in college, he occasionally attended a campus ministry. Eric loved God and knew God was his source.

Eric graduated from Crossland Senior High School in Temple Hills, Maryland. After visiting several colleges, he chose Delaware State University in Dover, Delaware to begin his academic journey. He later transferred to Florida A&M University (FAMU), in Tallahassee, Florida and graduated in 2004.

Eric's passion and love for music was evidenced at an early age. Over the years, he built a full-fledged music studio where, under the name Eric Rochelle Productions, he produced, recorded, and sold "Beats".

Eric's work ethic was like that of his father, Lee Cooper. He was dedicated to being on time, (and most times before time) and to doing his best on the job. From a teen/young adult, he was concerned about the plight and well being of people. This led him to an approximately 18-year career in the social services field as a caseworker. Even though he found the work to be stressful at times, he was committed to doing all he could to improve the lives of his clients.

God was good to Eric and allowed him to grow and achieve the desires placed upon his heart! With each goal he set for himself, he plowed ahead with bulldog tenacity to accomplish them.  Although what may seem to have been an unbearable or insurmountable challenge, God enabled Eric to successfully finish his course. All who were fortunate enough to meet him loved him.

We will remember Eric with his big smile and ready hug as he entered a room with arms open wide and his loud greeting of, "hey, hey, hey"!

Eric leaves cherished memories with his father Lee Cooper, mother Juanita Cooper, brother Norman Cooper, sister's Linda Cooper and Jennifer Ray, a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, family, friends, and acquaintances. Sleep on Eric, take your rest. You know we loved you dearly, but God loves you best!
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Douglas Wayne Harper

Birth Date: 1963-01-01
Deceased Date: 2020-05-27
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William Curtis Kerr, Sr.

Birth Date: 1942-02-10
Deceased Date: 2018-03-04

William Curtis Kerr, Sr. was born on February 10, 1942, in Garland North Carolina. He was the 4th child born to the late Dawson Sr. and Eula Cromartie Kerr. He transitioned from this life peacefully on March 4, 2018, at Southern Maryland Hospital in Clinton, MD.

Curt was educated in the North Carolina Public School System. He was an excellent student with a love for mathematices and shop. At Clear Run Senior High School his favorite class was shop where he learned the skill of building furniture and home improvement. Additionally, he had an excellent "green thumb" wherein every plant he put his hands to grew beautifully. After graduation in 1960, he was inducted into the United States Army serving 2 years as a communications specialist. Following his dischare in 1962, he attended Prince Georges Community College to further his knowledge of computer languages and operations. He was employed by the federal government working at various agencies in the field of computer operations.

As a young man, Curt was a faithful member of St. Stephens AME Zion Church. He was named after his grandfather William and his Aunt Lillie's husband, Curtis, who was an AME Zion bisop. He served as superintendent of the Sunday School, was active in youth ministry, and accompanied his pastors as their driver to conferences and conventions. He had been slated by St. Stephens to matriculate at Livingston College in Salisbury, North Carolina, the denominations school of ministry. However, military duty called, and his journey of life took a different path.

On August 29, 1970, Curt married, Francina Moore. To this union three children were born. Curt was a man with a heart for his family. He was a prime example of a provider, and a hard worker, often doing home improvement jobs, in addition to working in government, to ensure there were funds for the family trips he loved taking.

As his life history has shown, Curt was graced with his "three score and 10 years" plus six. He was rewarded with long life- 76 years, married for 47 years and 7 months, and held the same job for 29 years.

Curt, as your family in the middle of sorrow, we have an eternal hope as we surrender you to the hand and will of God. We will see you on God's tomorrow.

He is survived by his devoted wife Francina, children William Jr. (Kicha), Jerome Sr. (Kerri), Patrice, Angela Muckle (Aaron), Maria Graveley (DeWayne), Cheryl Tracey (Mark); 8 grandchildren, two sisters, Martha Lewis and Arlene Gibbs; nieces and nephews and a host of relatives and friends.
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Miriam Moore (McClarity)

Birth Date: 1949-02-07
Deceased Date: 2019-07-22
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Mother Mary. M Moore

Birth Date: 1915-02-04
Deceased Date: 2008-12-26

When the late Lula Williams Moore, a relatively young mother in her mid-forties, passed away in January 1959, she left behind eleven children, the youngest of them two years old.  Several days after her passing, the Lord spoke to my oldest brother, Charles Jr., "...Charles tell the children they are going to be alright.  God is going to take care of them".  Charles then hasten to tell us of the promise, the "rhema word", the right now Word to us.  (Charles was about eleven years old.)  With this Word of comfort, my father, the late Elder Charles Moore Sr. and his eleven children picked up the pieces of their lives to go on.

In the providence of God, my father met and later married Mother Mary Magdalene Moore in June 1962.  Mother Moore may not have known that she would be part of God's promise to "take care of us".

Now, nobody, except someone with an "I can do all things thru Christ" attitude/perspective would marry a man with eleven children, ten of them at home.  Eleven children, with eleven distinct personalities, eleven temperaments.

I am sure Mamalene had, as did the eleven children, many "happy days" and many "trying days".  BUT, we had a promise- "God will take care of us".

Today from the parentage of Elder Charles Moore Sr. and Mother Mary Magdalene Moore the eleven children are here in tribute:

   *  All eleven have been baptized in the Name of Jesus and  
      filled with the Holy Ghost.  (A couple of us have fallen  
      back, but God is still working, and still perfecting us all.)

   *  Five of the eleven children are now active individually, or 
      with their companions in gospel ministry.

God has been faithful to our family, and used Mother Moore as an instrument to help fulfill His promise to "take care of us".

This is why we are here to say "thank you" and give tribute to Mamalene today.

We, the Moore family, Margaret, Francina (William), Juanita (Lee), Shirley (James), Charles Jr. (Deborah), Calvin (Redella), Curtis (Helen), Alfreda (Glenn), Vivian (LaVelle), Mary, Faith, and our children and grandchildren today celebrate the life and home going of Mother Mary Magdalene Moore.  We recognize and commend "Mamalene" for her faithfulness to God, her inspiration and encouragement, and her ability to inspire others concerning the faithfulness of God.  Mamalene has been a "....wonder to many" (Ps.71:7).

When she came into our lives God had prepared our hearts, and let us know that we would be alright.  It comforts us to know that even in our times of grief, God cares enough for us that He will not leave us comfortless.

We have admired Mamalene's passion for God, and her knowledge of His Word.  With clarity of thought and speech, she was always aware of what was going on in world events and could beat anybody in the game of scrabble.  As we look around, we can see that God truly honored Mamalene and allowed her to show His strength to many generations and His power to those who are to come (Ps. 71:18).

Therefore, we the Moore family today honor the life and memory of Mamalene.  We thank God for the influence she has had in and on our lives.


"Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.  Yes, says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors and their works follow them" (Rev. 14:13, NKJV).

Submitted by

The Moore Family

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Faith Ann Womack (Moore)

Birth Date: 1956-03-14
Deceased Date: 2015-12-29

In accordance with the foreknowledge of God, a baby girl entered the earth realm on March 14, 1956 in Chicago, Illinois.  Her Parents, the late Charles Moore Sr, and Lula Williams Moore gave her the name Faith Ann Moore.  She was the eleventh child, and the eighth girl born to their union.  At the passing of her mother, Faith Ann lived with her father and stepmother, the laate Mary Magadelene "Mamalene" Moore.  Faith Ann was trained up in the ways of the Lord, and expressed her belief in Jesus Christ as Savior early in her life.

Faith Ann worshipped under the pastorate of her father, Elder Charles Moore at the Chief Cornerstone Church/Whole Truth Church of Christ respectively.  She later worshipped at the Apostolic Little Roch Church under the pastorate of the late Bishop Alonzo W. Moyer.  When she moved to Washington, D.C., her worship continued at the Holy Temple Church of Christ under the pastorate of the late Bishop Joseph Weathers and current pastor, Bishop David Myrick, Sr.  Blessed with an alluring smile, and a tenacious personality, Faith Ann began her life's journey.

Faith Ann was educated in the City of Chicago Public School System.  She was an excellent student, becoming a graduate of Jones Commercial High School with special emphasis on business professionalism.  After graduation and a short-term employment in Chicago, Faith Ann moved to Washington, D.C. where she held various positions in the federal government during her career.

Faith Ann married Jeffery B. Womack, and to this union two daughters, Alicia Ann (deceased) and Jennifer Michelle were born.

Faith Ann life journey took her along many roads, BUT she did not travel alone.  She left the earth realm to return to her heavenly Father on December 29, 2015.

Faith Ann, as your family in the middle of sorrow, w have an eternal hope as we surrender you to the arms of your Good Father.  We will see you on God's tomorrow.

With love, your daughter, Jennifer M. Ray (Shoham), Margaret Upshire (Lucius, deceased), Francina Kerr (William, Sr.), Juanita Cooper (Lee), Shirley A. Ellis (James, deceased), Charles Moore, Jr. (Deborah), Calvin E. Moore, Curtis A. Moore (Helen), Alfreda Moyer (Glenn, Sr.), Vivian E. Stewart (LaValle), Mary Moore; stepbrothers and sisters, Sadie Mae Beaver (Solomon) both deceased, Alonzo W. Moyer (Doreathe) both deceased, Bennie D. Harris (deceased) (Lorraine), James R. Harris (deceased), Carolyn E. Starling-Matthews (John, and a host of relatives and friends.
Margaret Upshire - December 4th, 2016
When the Lord spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter1: vs5 saying, “Before I formed you in the belly I knew you: …”This didn’t mean that the Lord had denied Jeremiah the power of choice or that Jeremiah had been forced by God into a certain course of action. But it meant that the Lord through His omniscient foreknowledge “knew” Jeremiah’s life purpose, his life journey, when it would begin, where he would travel, and when his life’s journey would end.

In like manner, before God formed Faith Ann Moore in her mother’s belly He knew her.  Thus, a baby girl entered the earth realm on March 14, 1956 in Chicago IL. Her parents were Elder Charles and Lula Moore. She was the eleventh child born to their union.
When our mother was expecting a baby I often observed her looking thru listings of various names, and  I ‘m sure she was also spiritually pondering the name that she eventually selected because the name chosen usually reflected, or indicated something about the yet unborn baby. For baby number eleven, my mother chose the name “Faith Ann”. The name “Faith” would declare belief and trust in God each time it was spoken.   The name “Ann” meaning gracious.

Using Biblical symbolism, the number eleven can represent disorder, chaos, and judgment. This seems to describe the circumstances at that particular time (March 1956). With a desire to better provide for his family, our father, mother, and nine children had made a traumatic move from Washington D C to Chicago IL, from familiar surroundings, from our extended family, from a beloved church family, to an unfamiliar cultural environment. BUT, in the foreknowledge of God, He knew Faith’s parents would train/bring her up in the way of wisdom to live in the fear of God. The reflections from previous speakers give testimony to Faith’s belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith was a private person, never talking much about what was on her mind. She conducted herself a bit “beyond her age”. One of our nicknames for her was “47” because she didn’t act like the baby of the family. Blessed with attractive physical beauty, an alluring smile, and a tenacious personality she began her life’s journey.
Faith’s life journey traveled many roads, through many dark nights of the soul. BUT, she didn’t travel alone for there was ONE who had promised,” I will never leave you or forsake you”. Many times our family didn’t know her whereabouts. Our prayers doing these times was asking God to let her call a family member, or that someone who knew us would see her and let us know. Eventually, we’d get a call or someone would see her, usually at church.

In 2014, Faith wrote the following on the Moore family website: My most recent thunderbolt realization is experiencing the reality that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. My goal is living this year (2014) in a way that I can pattern next year (2015) after it. Because believe me I’ve been blessed!!!

Also, in 2014 Faith went to California, to visit her daughter Jennifer, who she dearly loved. Again, in God’s foreknowledge, Faith would remain in California until her spirit left the earth realm to return to her heavenly father on December 29, 2015.

Our family have a tradition of giving special celebration for each siblings’ 60th birthday. Faith would have celebrated her 60th birthday March 14th, 5 days ago. SO IN HER HONOR, today her daughter, and all ten of her siblings are present in memorium of Faith’s 60th birthday, and to express our eternal hope and trust in God’s goodness as we surrender Faith to the arms of her “good Father”.

At this time I’m going to ask Jennifer, her daughter, and her ten siblings to stand when I call their name.


Margaret Upshire (Moore)

Birth Date: 1941-07-23
Deceased Date: 2020-03-16
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Darrick Moore Jr

Birth Date: 1998-04-03
Deceased Date: 2022-05-02
Celebration of Life

Darrick Moore Jr

From Darrick Jr's sunrise on April 3, 1998, he burst onto the scene with a zest for life.  From an early age Darrick Jr loved to laugh, was quite precocious, possessed a natural curiosity, and took up the room as soon as he walked in. So much so that his daycare nicknamed him the Mayor!

Darrick Jr was a proud graduate of Northern High School in Calvert County, Maryland and was very intelligent excelling in Math and Science. He received a full tuition scholarship from the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore where he studied chemistry and where he was planning to return this fall to complete his degree.

Darrick grew up attending Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in North Carolina. He was an active member of the children's ministry. He attended Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. He attended Mt. Ennon Baptist Church with his father weekly during high school.

Darrick Jr was a gifted musician playing the Flute and French horn with his primary instrument being the Flute in high school and college. He was often called upon to play for his high school and college matriculation ceremonies.

Darrick Jr was also and avid gamer. He also enjoyed swimming, riding scooters and his skateboards. He was always in search of the nearest skate park. Darrick was an exceptional chess player and loved board games.

He enjoyed tacos, candy and as a matter-of-fact Darrick Jr never met a bag of skittles that he didn't like. One of his favorite pastimes was watching movies and hanging out with his 'cousins-crew'. his father or with his favorite Aunt Pam and his Uncle Maurice.

Darrick Jr's sunset was on May 2, 2022. Darrick will never be forgotten but forever cherished in our hearts. He will be greatly missed by all who were fortunate enough to know him.
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Curtis A. Moore Sr.

Birth Date: 1950-07-12
Deceased Date: 2018-09-17

On Monday, September 17, 2018, Bishop Curtis A. Moore, Sr., fell asleep in Jesus at his earthly home in Waldorf, Maryland, and went to his heavenly home, to eternal rest.

Bishop Moore was born in Washington D.C. on July 12, 1950, to the late Elder Charles and Lula Williams Moore, as their seventh child and the youngest of the three boys. He eventually became part of a big, happy family of eleven siblings. His early years were spent growing up in Washington until his family relocated to Chicago, Illinois in the early 1950s. There, he attended the public schools and graduated from John Marshall High School in 1968. During that time, he always had a vision of enterprise becasue as soon as he was old enough, he secured a job delivering newspapers, then he worked in his father's Body and Fender Shop and, later at a local pharmacy.

Upon graduating from High School, he moved back to Washington, D.C. where he was initially employed at Woodward & Lothrop Department Store, then the premier store of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. He completed his education in Cartography in Rockville, Maryland, which led to employment as a Cartographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at the Census Bureau in Suitland, Maryland. His work there included a number of trips out west to various places, including Indian Reservations and the Grand Canyon, which left an indelible impression on him, relative to the greatness and majesty of God.

His Spiritual Heritage began with his Paternal Grandmother, the late Mother Minnie Green who, in 1938, was baptized and became a member of the Way of the Cross Church of Christ, founded by the late Bishop Henry C. Brooks, in Washington, D.C., where his family worshipped before relocating. In Chicage, his Father connected with the Refuge and Apostolic Little Rock Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ (COOLJC), before founding and pastoring the Apostolic Whole Truth Church in 1977.

With such a rich spiritual foundation, he joined the Holy Temple Church of Christ, Washington D.C. in 1969, under the late Bishop Joseph Weathers, where he met and married the Love of His Life in 1971. At Holy Temple he served in several capacities over 20 years, including Chairman of the Deacon Board, Board of Trustees, Sunday School Teacher, Finance Committee, Church Anniversary Chairman, the Holy Temple McIver Group Singers, and Feature Writer for the Voice of the Temple newspaper.

In addition to the God-given vision of enterprise, he also had a God-given spiritual vision of souls being saved and also being taught the Word of God consistently, so that along with Eternal Life, the Kingdom of God mindset and a godly lifestyle would have the preeminence in the lives of all. In 1992, after conducting Neighborhood Bible Studies for a number of years, he was ordained as an Elder and Pastor of the Mission Assembly Church of Jesus Christ in Waldorf, Maryland, under the late Bishop James McKinney, and later elevated to the office of Bishop. The church was revitalized as Waldorf Christian Center and Waldorf Christian Academy and Daycare, which blessed many families in the area through ministry of the Word and various programs.

He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Helen D. Moore; four children, Curtis Moore, Jr., Kimberly Moore McKeithen, William Moore, and Charles A. Moore, Jr.; seven sisters, Margaret Upshire- Davenport, FL, Rev. Dr. Francina Kerr- Largo, MD, Deaconess Shirley Ellis- Chicago, IL, Juanita Cooper- Gainesville, FL,  Alfreda Moyer- Chicago, IL, Vivian Stewart- Crete, IL, and Mary Moore- Temple Hills, MD; two brothers, Elder Charles Moore, Jr.- Plymouth, MN, Calvin Moore- Chicago, IL and a host of other relatives and friends. In addition to hs parents, he was preceded in death by his youngest sister, Faith Moore Womack.

"For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." II Corithians 5:1
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